Hey everyone,
The Bushido of Bitcoin is coming together nicely. It’s the home stretch now, and I;’m working closely with and a couple others to get the final edit down and cleaned up. We ended up at 150k words so that needs to be dialled back. I’ll keep all the cut content for future bonus content, to be released here (and who knows, maybe a “Author’s cut” of the book in the future too).
I’m also excited to share a little excerpt from one of my favourite sections in the book. It’s right after the update below. So read on.
Reminder: We are going to send all future updates on the book here on this Substack.
Bushido of Bitcoin Book Update
Thankyou all once again for the support during the campaign.
I’m deep in the final stages of editing and structure work now, working hard to deliver a book that honors the spirit of Bushido. Several new sections have been added, and I plan to have it to the typesetters in October to get it ready for publishing by end of October. It’s going to be a true work of art - I promise you that.
This means we are aiming for release in November.
Here’s what the timeline currently looks like for receipt of the book, for those who have pre-ordered it:
Mid-Late November 2024 for Digital, Paperback, & Standard Hardcover.
December 2024 for Audiobook and Signed Hardcovers.
Early 2025 for Leatherbound Limited Edition.
There are still moving pieces and important final work to be done. The leather-bound will take a little more time as it’s been difficult to find a master of this lost craft. Rest assured through - I will find someone.
I’ll continue releasing updates here on Substack to keep you informed. If push comes to shove and I need to choose between quality or delivery, I will choose quality. The book deserves it, and so do you.
New Trailer
While I’ve been writing and working on Satlantis, I’ve also been working with Heliand on a series of new short-trailers. I REALLY wanted to show you the latest one called “Beauty will save the world” - but I’m going to have to tease you and save it for the up-coming guest post (extracted from the book) that I’ll publish on
’s .But for now, here’s the other trailer..which is a derivation from the original.
Haven’t pre-ordered yet?
The book is actually still available for pre-order on both Geyser and Kickstarter. If you wanted to be credited in the book, this week and next will be THE LAST chance to buy the Samurai tier for that. That tier and the higher ones sold out on Kickstarter but Geyser has a few left. I will zero that out on the 30th September as no more edits will be allowed.
Also - if you know anyone who should read this, send them the links above. Pre-ordering means discounts, but also more money for the writers & editors + less to Amazon et al.
Feature Chapter Preview
Thank you for your patience and ongoing support. As promised, I want to share an unreleased chapter from the Bushido of Bitcoin with you.
The Territorial Imperative
“The dog barking at you from behind his master's fence acts for a motive indistinguishable from that of his master when the fence was built.”
— Robert Ardrey, The Territorial Imperative
Territory is at the heart of evolution, and life, at its most basic level, is the struggle for ownership of space. That which is living wants to claim space and to transform it. From the primordial goo that give rise to the earliest life-forms, and the primeval forests where our ancestors first carved out shelters, through to the modern civilizations that sprawl across the globe - the essence of life has and always will be an impulse to claim, cultivate, and conquer territory - and we humans are its prime vessels.
The territorial imperative is more than just some primal urge; it is life pulsating through us. This deep-seated instinct for growth and conquest extends beyond mere land ownership or the desire to control resources. It is the pothos that drove Alexander to conquer the known world and to reach its end, and compelled Magellan to circumnavigate the Earth on a ship made of wood and cloth. It is a yearning to claim space, and, by extension, claim our destiny. Our destiny is a destination, or a place, or a territory.
Territory is not just physical. It is metaphysical. It includes the body, the mind, and the spirit. It is psychological and emotional. It starts with you and radiates outward. Your family is your territory. So is your business, your reputation, your land, and your community. As a man, your wife and kids are your property in the deepest sense of the term. It is your job to protect and provide for them. As a chieftain, captain, CEO or a leader of any kind, your tribe, crew, and team are under your dominion and therefore protection. It is your job to lead and guide them. The size of your territory is proportional to the quantity of life force that you can harness and channel. This is the true definition of will to power.
Property itself is an abstracted form of territory. Why do property rights exist and why do they work? They are not “just a human abstraction”, and it’s not only due to rational reasons. Private property is a biological imperative - something socialists and communists cannot comprehend. Ignoring this reality is why collectivist states with shared or no property rights will always fail.
Your job and your craft are your territory. Why do you think we call them domains? Mastery is the relationship between you and your territory. An apprentice has a tenuous relationship with a craft - the master a deep one. The deeper the relationship, the greater the demarcation of the territory. Your home is your territory. It has a boundary that clearly marks what is inside and what is out. It is where your order resides.
Your territory is where you feel strong and confident. It’s why we have the feeling of ‘coming home’ and why there exists a home-team advantage. In ‘The Territorial Imperative,’ Robert Ardrey documents how lions become more formidable when defending their own territory, i.e. their "home turf”. He spent years studying species with some sort of group dynamic and found an almost 3:1 ratio of home to away advantage. This is why we’re driven to enhance and grow our territory. It directly correlates to an increase in power.
There is a great recent example of wolf packs tracked by GPS, and how without a constitution or a state, they demarcate territory (property). Where these territories meet, there is often conflict: if one pack is weak, the stronger, more cohesive pack will claim territory from them, but only slowly because the home team has the advantage. Territories are perfectly natural, as is conflict along their borders.. Recall what we discussed earlier about inner amity and outer enmity, and how nature uses territory as a means of creating a dynamic equilibrium, and therefore the cycles necessary for life.
Territory is essential. A man devoid of it is lost, empty, and beaten. This is tied to so much of what’s broken in our modern society. We are untethered from our families and ancestry. We are disconnected from our lands. We’ve become weakly nomadic, traveling because we’re lost, not because we want to conquer or claim territory. We rent because we can’t afford our own property. Our rich, deep micro-cultures have been replaced with impoverished, shallow Frankenstein macro-multiculturalism lacking both roots and cohesion. We have traded homes and estates for pods and shoebox apartments. We think we are free, but in fact have settled for a quiet comfort with no real roots. Instead of beautiful trees growing in the rich soil of the forest floor, we are like pot plants in an office waiting room.
Nicolás Gómez Dávila said that: "Modern man is a prisoner who thinks he is free because he refrains from touching the walls of his dungeon." I believe he is right. Those who never venture far enough to feel the noose around their neck might think they’re free, but the truth is that they are afraid. True freedom lies only within the territory you can claim dominion over, hence we must all wage war on the globalist push to “own nothing and be happy.” Go out and claim your territory. Create your own space. The agoge ripped young Spartans out of the home, and placed them in a new unknown and uncomfortable territory. To survive, they had to adapt to the new territory and conquer it. They had to bring it within their personal domain. The same goes for you. Develop your own domain. Here you will be strongest because you’ve worked toward it and earned it.
“For believe me! — the secret for harvesting from existence the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment is: to live dangerously! Build your cities on the slopes of Vesuvius! Send your ships into uncharted seas! Live at war with your peers and yourselves!”
— Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science
Once you’ve established your territory and secured it, you will be called to expand or increase its quality. You cannot remain in stasis. Remember: you are either growing or you’re dying. There is no middle ground.
Leftist, Malthusians, defeatists, nihilists and anti-lifers will screech that “there’s not enough to go around” or that “we’re running out of room!” Ignore them. There is more than enough room and we can do so much more and so much better with the resources we have on this Earth - to say nothing of the solar system and the galaxy which await. Like Julian Simon, the great 20th century economist said: “we can never run out of molecules, only ingenuity.”
There is ALWAYS more space to claim and energy to harness. Life abhors both a vacuum and a defeatist. The West, like all great empires, won because it had an appetite for space and territory. This hunger is at the core of life and the mark of a winner. This territorial imperative is a testament to life's undying ambition to expand and imprint its essence wherever it can. It’s an expression of our yearning for life and the ultimate symbol of transcending our limitations and redefining the boundaries of greatness. Future leaders should understand this, and make it a central part of their ethos.
I hope you enjoyed that. If you like this format, and would like some more excerpts from the book, let me know in the comments. I you’ve not subscribed yet, see button below. Otherwise, stay tuned for the next update and make sure you also subscribe to for the next guest post!
Aleksandar Svetski
Per-order the book here: https://geyser.fund/project/bushidoofbitcoin
Get a free introductory chapter here: BushidoOfBitcoin.com
Follow my work here: Linktree.com/Svetski
Find me on Nostr here: Primal.net/Svetski
Find me on X here: http://x.com/svetskiwrites/
Yes please, more chapters sneak peaks. Looking forward to the book.
Another point I wanted to discuss with you, and it seems relevant especially to this chapter, is whether u included in the book the Islamic empire that took on both the Roman and Persian empires, simultaneously. During that era, they were pioneers in math, psychics, and medicine. Not much material exists on it, especially in English, because when the west “won” it back, like all victors, they rewrote history. To this day, the west demonizes Islam and dehumanizes Arabs. If you’re interested, I recommend listening to Dr. Roy Casandra’s lectures on the subject. I think you’ll dig it.
Excellent thank you! Love the contrast between territory & private property.
“A man’s home is his castle” can only work when the collective spiritual territory of the society is healthy. Otherwise & in despite of property taxes & debt it’s still just a domesticated animal with a private cage.