Thank you for this. I just bought your book, so haven't read it yet. I addressed this problem in my book from the standpoint of defining freedom correctly as responsibility rather than as absence of rules. I like the way you explain it better.

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Thankyou Joyce.

More here to wrestle with, but it's a start.

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Excellent piece! Well done.

I have for a while been thinking about the positive and negative freedoms that Isaiah Berlin wrote about, Freedom from, and Freedom to. Your description of freedom as a virtue achieved by making choices is a very good one.

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Yes I've been toying with this for a long time now. Maybe something to do with getting older..haha!

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This is a great piece and I love the distinction of virtue and value. I agree that the word freedom has lost its charge largely due to its misuse by those persistent NPCs. Looking forward to part 2, you are killing it.

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Thankyou Alex.

I think this short form format will be good for me to get some of my more-controversial ideas out with more nuance than I can on X.

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Love this! Especially the distinction of agency, autonomy, and freedom!

"Agency is the spark of life, and autonomy is the goal of a well formed adult. Freedom is just the by-product feeling of these two qualities." -- the only think I'd say is "Freedom is not JUST the by-product..." - it is the holy grail IMHO - as it's a massive indication you're on the right track on your journey of development.


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I thought I replied to this but realised it was to your note. haha.

Same question ;)

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A great post. Looking forward to the next one.

Freedom is not free.

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thankyou guys

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That resonated. You've articulated what to all intents and purposes has been a burgeoning hunch for me in recent years. Freedom and happiness are unintended consequences of courage in ones own convictions and the balls to act on them. I'm looking forward to part 2!

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Thank you. I think it’s something that’s been bubbling up for a few of us.

Glad to be on this journey together 🤝

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Agency is the perfect word. Active responsibility, accountability, and authority. Definitely in the right direction with this. Nice job Alexander.

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And Yes. Active repsonsibilty - great way to put. A 'liveness test' so to speak.

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