Ask any of them that aren´t benefitting from bringing more in and they will all tell you they left India to escape the people. Problem is they came to our place. Remigration now.
In a world where developed countries have 1.x TFRs and constitute only 15% of the world’s population, any kind of mass immigration policy will inevitably lead to ethnic suicide within a couple of generations. If anything, it should be backwards; open the immigration tap a little more when native demographics look healthy.
The Liberal tabula rasa view of humans also needs to be cut out, root and branch. It’s the ideological first principle that undergirds the whole Western immigration policy that’s built on top of it.
Thanks for chiming in and offering your first hand experience.
This myth that they are beneficial and needed is the one that most has to be blown up in the immigration debate. It's like the "safe and effective" mantra. It's reached widespread levels of slavish repetition in Canada after decades of CBC and other propaganda. Such a blessing this H1b debate, and the Indians exposing themselves for what they mainly are.
John Carter's piece is great. I was inspired to write and add a poem there.
And yes. I'm glad these things are coming to light. It's been long overdue, and seeing more and more of these walls break is a good sign. I've seen a bunch of doomers claim things like "See - told you it was all controlled opposition (referring to Elon, etc)" - but in my opinion, something more important has happened here: a further shift of the overton window + a realisation that (right now) it is NOT moving back.
You Hope Too Much. Why would anything good ever happen when it can just get worse forever? Trump cucked out for Infinity Pajeets for Elon and Buttfaggot Theil.
That lecture from Jayant Bhandari is absolutely devastating for Indians.
Segregation is at our door.
Ask any of them that aren´t benefitting from bringing more in and they will all tell you they left India to escape the people. Problem is they came to our place. Remigration now.
It's an absolute king hit
In a world where developed countries have 1.x TFRs and constitute only 15% of the world’s population, any kind of mass immigration policy will inevitably lead to ethnic suicide within a couple of generations. If anything, it should be backwards; open the immigration tap a little more when native demographics look healthy.
The Liberal tabula rasa view of humans also needs to be cut out, root and branch. It’s the ideological first principle that undergirds the whole Western immigration policy that’s built on top of it.
I coulndn’t have put it better myself
If American Whites had a TFR of 2.4 instead of 1.6 this hoopla over ~120k H1-Bs per year would attract absolutely nobody’s attention.
Thanks for chiming in and offering your first hand experience.
This myth that they are beneficial and needed is the one that most has to be blown up in the immigration debate. It's like the "safe and effective" mantra. It's reached widespread levels of slavish repetition in Canada after decades of CBC and other propaganda. Such a blessing this H1b debate, and the Indians exposing themselves for what they mainly are.
John Carter's piece is great. I was inspired to write and add a poem there.
And yes. I'm glad these things are coming to light. It's been long overdue, and seeing more and more of these walls break is a good sign. I've seen a bunch of doomers claim things like "See - told you it was all controlled opposition (referring to Elon, etc)" - but in my opinion, something more important has happened here: a further shift of the overton window + a realisation that (right now) it is NOT moving back.
You Hope Too Much. Why would anything good ever happen when it can just get worse forever? Trump cucked out for Infinity Pajeets for Elon and Buttfaggot Theil.
Wow. Incredibly optimistic. If everyone thought like you, we may as well hang ourselves already
Lol, death isn’t permanent TechBro.
No but your douchebaggery might be. Ha
Death To All TechBros.